MFG News

Posted by: MFG members John Christou + Dan Emery

From: DOC Quebec <>

Posted: March 15, 2006

Subject: DOC QUEBEC AGM - Call for General Election

Event Date: Tuesday, March 21st, 2006


French follows below.




DOC-Quebec is issuing a call for a general election to fill thirteen positions for a new executive board.  The election is to be held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting to be held on March 21st at La Maison de la rŽalisation, 3480 St. Denis St. beginning at 7 pm.  The meeting will open with a recorded farewell address from out-going president Malcolm Guy and will conclude with a wine and cheese party to celebrate our newly elected board of executives.



As a member of the Executive Committee you will represent Montreal's Documentary Filmmaking community (directors, producers, technicians etc). It is a position of leadership whose responsibilities include: attending monthly meetings, organizing events, participating on sub-committees, and contributing to the evolution and defense of the Canadian Documentary filmmaking tradition. Being on the executive places you at the core of the Documentary community in Canada as DOC Quebec works with the National Chapter and the Local Chapters from Vancouver to Halifax, to strength the Documentary industry.



Anyone who is a member in good standing of DOC-Quebec can put themselves forward or be nominated as a candidate.  In order to submit your candidacy or be nominated it is essential that a one paragraph biography on the potential candidate be emailed to DOC Quebec at no later than March 17th.  A compilation list of all candidates will then be sent out to the membership on Monday, March 20th.


A candidate can also present themselves or be nominated at the beginning of the election period at the AGM on March 21st.  However, any candidate who is nominated at this time must be present in order to accept or refuse the nomination.



There are thirteen positions to be filled on the executive board.  Five of these positions are designated as:  President, 2 Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. 


Anyone elected to the positions of president or vice-president should understand that the presence of a minimum of two of these three members will be mandatory at all monthly executive meetings.


The first order of business for the newly elected executive is to assign the five designated positions as they see fit through an open and diligent discussion amongst themselves finalising each position through a series of motions that would conclude in a show of hands.



The election will be conducted by secret ballot with each ballot to contain the names of five candidates.  The thirteen candidates who accumulate the most votes will comprise the new board.  Any resulting tie will be resolved through a second and, if necessary, a third round of ballotting.  








Le conseil dĠadministration de DOC QuŽbec procdera ˆ des Žlections le 21 mars prochain pour composer son nouveau conseil dĠadministration. 13 nouveaux membres de lĠexŽcutif seront Žlus. Les Žlections auront lieu lors de la prochaine assemblŽe gŽnŽrale, le 21 mars ˆ La Maison de la rŽalisation (ARRQ), 3480 rue St. Denis ˆ 19:00. LĠassemblŽe dŽbutera par un court message vidŽo du prŽsident sortant Malcolm Guy et se terminera par un cocktail de vin et fromage pour saluer les nouveaux Žlus.


En tant que membre du conseil dĠadministration,  vous reprŽsenterez une communautŽ dĠartisans oeuvrant en documentaire (cinŽastes, techniciens, producteurs); cĠest une position qui exige un leadership car vous devez assumer certaines responsabilitŽs : participez aux rencontres mensuelles de lĠexŽcutif, organiser des ŽvŽnements, participer ˆ au moins un sous-comitŽ et contribuer au dŽveloppement et ˆ la dŽfenses des politiques pour le documentaire indŽpendant. Cette position vous permettra dĠtre au coeur de lĠaction dans le domaine du documentaire car  vous participerez activement au dŽveloppement et ˆ la croissance de DOC QUƒBEC. Avec DOC national et les autres chapitres, de Vancouver ˆ Halifax, nous participons ˆ  lĠamŽlioration de cette industrie culturelle importante que reprŽsente le documentaire indŽpendant au Canada.



Tout membre en rgle peut proposer sa candidature ou tre proposŽ par un autre. Pour soumettre sa candidature ou pour tre nominŽ, il faut envoyer un paragraphe qui vous dŽcrit. Faire parvenir ˆ DOC QuŽbec ˆ lĠadresse au plus tard le 17 mars 2006. Une liste de tous les candidats sera compilŽe et envoyŽe aux membres de DOC QuŽbec le 20 mars prochain.


Un candidat peut aussi se prŽsenter ou tre nommŽ au dŽbut de lĠassemblŽe gŽnŽrale du 21 mars. Toutefois, il est ˆ noter que les candidats nommŽs devront tre prŽsent ˆ lĠassemblŽ pour accepter ou refuser la nomination.



13 nouveaux membres seront Žlus au conseil. Il y aura un poste de PrŽsident et deux postes de Vice-prŽsident. Deux de ces trois membres doivent tre prŽsent aux rencontres mensuelles du conseil dĠadministration. Un SecrŽtaire et un TrŽsorier seront aussi Žlus.


Le premier mandat du conseil dĠadministration sera de procŽder ˆ lĠŽlection de ces cinq positions.



Les Žlections se feront par vote secret. Il y aura cinq candidats sur chaque bulletin de vote. Treize des candidats qui accumuleront le plus de votes composeront le nouveau conseil dĠadministration. Il pourra y avoir si nŽcessaire un deuxime et un troisime vote.


Pour toutes informations concernant les Žlections ou DOC QuŽbec, contacter Dan Emery, coordonnateur de DOC QuŽbec:



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